Enrolment procedure

Students admitted in a PhD programme will enrol, when necessary, in the Educational activities determined by the PPAC and yearly under the concept of PhD academic mentoring, after the positive evaluation of the PPAC, in the UVigo page:

PhD Programmes enrolment


The academic mentoring enrolment provides students with access to academic mentoring, the use of necessary resources to develop their work and plenty of rights gathered in the PhD students regulation.

Part-time enrolment

PhD students can enrol full-time or part-time. For this modality, it will be necessary to be a part-time PhD student condition, given by the PPAC. This condition can be requested to the PPAC using justificatory documents.

To achieve the part-time PhD student condition, work-related, family and personal situations will be taken into account.

The enrolment modality change can be requested during the ordinary enrolment periods, depending on the positive PPAC report, and extraordinarily on other periods due to modifications of the work-related, family or personal situation of the student.

Generally, the percentage of students carrying out the PhD programme part-time should not be higher than the 30% of the enrolled students total number.