Basic Competence 11 (CB11)
Systematic understanding of a study field and mastery of the skills and research methods related to that field.

Basic Competence 12 (CB12)
Ability to conceive, design or create, implement, and adopt a research or creation substantial process.

Basic Competence 13 (CB13)
Ability to contribute to the expand the knowledge frontiers through original research.

Basic Competence 14 (CB14)
Ability to accomplish a critical and evaluation analysis and synthesis of new and complex ideas.

Basic Competence 15 (CB15)
Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community, and with society in general, on their knowledge areas, in the most used ways and languages of their international scientific community.

Basic Competence 16 (CB16)
Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, the scientific, technological, social, artistic and cultural progress within a knowledge based society.


Capacity 1 (CA01)
To get along in contexts with very little specific information.

Capacity 2 (CA02)
To find the answers to key questions for solving a complex problem.

Capacity 3 (CA03)
To design, create, develop and start new and innovative projects on their knowledge area.

Capacity 4 (CA04)
To work in teams and autonomously in an international or multidisciplinary context.

Capacity 5 (CA05)
To integrate knowledge, face complexity and make judgements with limited information.

Capacity 6 (CA06)
Solutions criticism and intellectual defence.


General Competence 1 (CG1)
Ability to develop the art cognitive possibilities.

General Competence 2 (CG2)
Ability to work and collectively intervene in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research projects.

General Competence 3 (CG3)
Ability to synthesize and critically analyse artistic creation and research.

General Competence 4 (CG4)
Ability to act in new situations and cultural contexts, in general and artistic in particular, with cultural, ethical and social responsibility.

General Competence 5 (CG5)
Elaborate adequately and somehow original written compositions or motivated arguments, to write plans, work projects or scientific articles or to formulate reasonable hypotheses.

Specific Competence 1 (CE1)
Integrate theory and practice as axis of research in Fine Arts.

Specific Competence 2 (CE2)
Ability to transfer acquired knowledges to the artistic, research and professional activity through the correct resources and methodologies.

Specific Competence 3 (CE3)
Ability to evaluate the complexity and versatility of the contemporary artistic creation.

Specific Competence 4 (CE4)
Ability to manage information for artistic and research purposes.

Specific Competence 5 (CE5)
Ability to understand the creation and research from the approach of continuous innovation.

Specific Competence 6 (CE6)
Ability to integrate knowledges from diverse study fields.

Specific Competence 7 (CE7)
Ability to oral and written understand and express with mastery of the specialized vocabulary and its link with history, aesthetics and art theory language.

Transversal Competence 1 (CT1)
Ability to generate and develop projects.

Transversal Competence 2 (CT2)
Ability to self-generate a curiosity and lifelong learning to face artistic problems in its sociocultural context.

Transversal Competence 3 (CT3)
Conceptual ability to approach and intervene in R&D&i research projects.

Transversal Competence 4 (CT4)
Ability to clearly orally and written communicate, to non specialized audience, the approaches and advances obtained in research.