Programme teachers

It will be considered as teaching staff of the PhD Programme every PhDs formally assigned to some of its research lines, even though some collaborations in certain specific activities which can be done by other people or professional according to their relevant scientific or professional collaboration in the corresponding field of knowledge.

It will be possible to incorporate academic staff to the Programme who are not from the University. In this case, the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme will certify their condition and will guarantee the necessary resources for this incorporations communicating it to the University.


Programme Mentors

The definitive admission of a student in a PhD Programme includes the mentor assignment, designated by the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme. The Mentor is one of the teaching staff who is permanently linked with the University and/or the collaborating entity in the PhD Programme.

Generally, mentors should:

  • Ensure the interaction between the PhD student and the PhD Programme Academic Committee and with the Thesis Director.
  • Ensure the adequacy of the lines in the educational programme to the student’s research activity.

The PhD Programme Academic Committee when asked by the student can modify the naming of the mentor at any time of the PhD Programme, as long as there are justified reasons.

The mentoring work will be recognised as part of the teaching and researching work of the teacher.


PhD thesis directors

In a maximum of three months from the enrolment, the PhD Programme Academic Committee will assign a Director to each student, which may match the previously said mentor. This person will be the leading manager, according to the highest professional standards, of the coherence and adequacy of the educational activities, the impact and novelty on its field, the thesis theme and the planning guide and its adequacy to other projects and activities in which the PhD student takes part. They must, therefore, have the time, knowledges, experience, technical aptitude and dedication needed to meet the student’s needs. As supervisors of the research work they must create a constructive and positive relation with students, in order to establish the necessary conditions for a efficient knowledge transmission for the future good development of their researchers career.

Any Spanish or foreigner Doctor with accredited research experience from any University, Centre or Institution in which they carry out their work,
who does not incur in any of the abstention causes established in the article 23 of the Law 40/2015 of October, 1, can be Thesis Director. For effects of this regulation, by “certified
research experience” will be understand the fulfilment on the moment of the request or in any previous request any of the following criteria:

  • To have achieved recognition for, at least, six years on research activity evaluated by the National Committee of Research Activity (CNEAI) or, at least, certify enough merits to guarantee a positive evaluation for a six year period of research activity following the CNEAI establishments for each scientific field.
  • To have been, in the last six years, researcher of main research in a research project financed by a public call (excluding the projects of the university itself).
  • To certify the authorship or coauthorship of, at least, three publications in journals included in the Journal Citation Reports. In the fields where the tradition does not apply this criteria, this requirement will be substituted by a similar one according to the established by the CNEAI in these scientific fields.
  • To certify the authorship or coauthorship of a patent in exploitation.
  • To have directed a PhD thesis with a qualification of excellent (or equivalent to the highest mark) which lead to, at least, a publication in journals indexed in the ISI-JCR or any relevant contribution on its scientific field following the CNEAI criteria.

If a teacher in the Programme fulfils the requirements for being a Director and Mentor, he/she will take both roles, if it is the case.

If the director is not permanently linked with the university or collaborating entity of the programme or is not a teacher in the programme, the programme will provide a Mentor fulfilling the established requirements from the University PhD Programme Regulation where the student is enrolled.

The PPAC when asked by the student can modify the naming of the Thesis Director, as long as there are justified reasons, during the first two years of the educational process. Exceptionally it can be done later, for which the approval of the PhD Programmes School would be necessary. Not in any case the assignation of the Director will be modified to leave it

The student management work will be recognised as part of the teaching and researching work of the teacher.